Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Misrepresentation of Hip-Hop Essay - 1584 Words

Jay-Z is known for being one for not only being one of the best rappers in hip-hop but also having a successful career in and outside of hip-hop. Recently he has been protesting some of the newer hip-hop. His songs â€Å"D.O.A† (Death Of Auto-Tune) â€Å"Run This Town† he takes a rebel approach to all of the recent fads in hip-hop. Even though, the fads were embraced by pop culture, Jay-Z saw them as stale and unprogressive. In â€Å"D.O.A.† he talks about hip-hop becoming ringtone rap and has lost its edge. â€Å"This is anti autotune/ death of the ringtone/ this ain’t for I-Tunes/ This ain’t for sing-a-longs/†¦This is practically assault with a deadly weapon/ I made this just for flexin’/ Basically I want people to feel threatened. (Blueprint 3) † Jay-Z†¦show more content†¦For the most part, rock-and-roll musicians had never particularly embraced consumerism, but many hip-hop artists weren’t afraid to make a buck any way they could—and after their poverty-stricken childhoods, material goods delighted them. Run-D.M.C., for example, just loved Adidas, and they had no problem telling the world they did in their music.(32) The percentage of rappers that softened their lyrics compared to the one who chose not to conform was the complete opposite of what it is now, because the obsession of making money grew over time. Early rap artist was more than greedy; they were trying to make money in order to move out of the ghetto. Jay-Z was one of those artists, he talked about money, cars, and clothes but he always provided a small glimpse into his mind; to help the listener understand that there is more underneath the surface: I feel worthless cause my shirt wasn’t matching my gear/ I’m just scratching the surface/ cause what’s buried under there/ is a kid torn apart once his pop disappeared/ I went to school/ got good grades/ could behave when I wanted/ but I had demons deep inside/ that were raised when confronted/†¦Now all the teachers couldn’t reach me/ and my momma couldn’t beat me hard enough/ to match the pain of my pop not seeing me so/ with that disdain in my membrane/ got on my pimp game/ f*** the world/ my defense came/ (December 4th) It was songs like these makes Jay-Z one of the best rappers. Even though he has beenShow MoreRelated Effects of a Misogynistic Society on Women Essay1377 Words   |  6 Pagescommunity. 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